the new sun unwraps itself from the calm ocean
it crawls to kiss & embrace me
the ocean waves whisper to my naked feet
warm ocean sand tickles my naked feet
maputo, i am not ready to go back
to that freezing johannesburg.
Hillbrow’s Song
we unzip our dirty minds
to blast the thick & glistening
thighs of hillbrow
we salivate at the juicy
sarah baartmans
& naomi campbells
of the night
we loudly dance
shaku shaku
kwasa kwasa
sigide sishaye ne ndlamu
before the ladies of the night
take us up to their rooms
one by one
one by one
just to pay for a one-minute pee
it doesn’t matter
if you are a zulu or igbo
afrika unite
in the name of kuku here
so, welcome to our hillbrow
where decaying & filthy streets
house homeless junkies
in funky clothes
& my brother from another mother
breaks bread with cops. E